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Failure Makes You Stronger

By Jack C., Grade 11
绝大多数人在成长过程中都希望有所成就, whether that be a hobby, a sport, academics or anything at all. Unfortunately, 那些曾经希望在运动中取得成功的年轻男孩和女孩中,有70%在13岁之前放弃了.
The leading cause of quitting is stress. Stress is a common emotion in the sports world, and kids suffer from it because they are afraid to fail. 
生活中没有什么是容易的,你需要愿意努力工作,处理任何困难. Perseverance isn’t just the ability to overcome stress, challenges and obstacles, 而是一种接受失败并将其作为下一个挑战的基石的能力.
As a hockey goalie I’ve failed many times. My entire career has been nothing but ups and downs. 不幸的是,我经历过的失败比成功还多.
Crazy as it is to say it, I’m happy I’ve failed. 我很高兴我在年轻的时候奋斗过,因为它会把我塑造成一个更好的人, a better character and a better athlete. 有多少次我想放弃,无论我多么想放弃, I stuck with it and believe eventually it will all pay off.
My parents were a big influence on my perseverance. 他们总是在我失意的时候支持我,并且一直相信我有能力取得成功.
Around this time last year, 我发现我没有进入代表纽芬兰队参加加拿大奥运会的名单. 当然,我对这次失利感到困扰,因为这本来是一次很好的学习经历,也是一次在冰球世界崭露头角的好机会. I was very upset.
But that night, I got a text from my mom. She said, “Forget what you didn’t win. 把它带给你的感觉作为实现下一个目标的动力. 把你从这段经历中学到的东西加到你的个人基础上. 每一次损失,每一次失败,每一次挑战,只会让你的根基更坚固. 基础越牢固,就有越多的东西可以建造. 有越多的东西可以构建,你的性格就会越好越强. The stronger your character, the more success you’ll have.”
这条短信改变了我对失败和失败的看法. Instead of thinking, “What if I give up a goal? What if I make a bad play? What if I lose? What if I fail?” think of all the possible learning experiences.
Don’t give up. 坚持每件事,你的学习,你的运动,坚持成为最好的人. 