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这是我在体育菠菜大平台的第四年, but I still remember the first day when I came to Stanstead. I’m sure people who were here in 2020 would remember what that year was like. It was really different from now due to the sudden outbreak of COVID-19. 一切都是杂乱无章和陌生的. 由于大流行, 我的航班误点了, and I had to take online classes for the two months of my first year at Stanstead.
我是在11月初到学校的, near the end of the first semester when everyone was already friends with each other. I was an eighth-grade girl who just came to Canada alone without my family. 当时一切都是新的, I felt lonely and didn’t know where to start and what to do in this new environment.  
When I was unpacking my suitcases by myself, a group of girls in my grade came into my room. They explained to me the school rules and helped me unpack. 之后,他们带我去吃晚饭. 我记得那天快结束的时候, 我开始感觉很舒服, and this was the first moment I felt the power of kindness after coming to Stanstead. 
This is why I believe that kindness is the key to happiness. 根据我的经验, 善良给人积极的感觉, helps them have good relationships and increases their feelings of well-being. 总的来说,它 has the power to create lasting and positive memories. 
二月是仁爱之月. 任何形式的善意, 不管是为别人开门, giving compliments or listening to someone’s worries, 是一个 attempt to brighten someone else's day by doing something kind without expecting a reward in return. So, 今天, I would like to ask all of you to show kindness to the people around you, 照亮他们的一天.